Everything starts with the First or General chapter. “The key to all other chapters”
How to find your first Chapter?
1. General Chapter
Self confirmation of your Personal Palm Leaf- Gives complete details of one’s name, parents’ names, present detail of profession, brothers, sisters, children, spouse and predictions of the future for all the 12 houses.
13. Santhi Pariharam
Place of previous birth, name, sins commited, temples to visit and charitable deeds that need to be performed to remove the negative Karmic effects of the sins.
14. Deeksha Chapter
Gives Information about which Mantra/Homa pooja needs to be performed to avoid-enemy problems, casting of evil eyes problems, mystical forces, previous birth / ancestral curses. It gives you information which talisman (Raksha) you should wear or to safe guard you against all Negative influences.
List of 1. – 14. Chapter
1. General Chapter
General Predictions
Bundles corresponding to the fingerprint are selected and it can have a few hundred horoscopes in it. The person confirms his Personal Leaf when it gives Accurate details about him -his age, date of birth, marriage details, profession and his family. This is an individual process of Self Confirmation. The specific palm leaf is then selected when all the details match, the client can go ahead if he wishes to ask further details relating to other directions which are specified in other chapters.
2. Chapter
Details on Finances, Family, Education, Eyes and Speech
This chapter deals in detail about the present position of the family and the financial and educational status of the client and also what would be the future in terms of education and finance- and how to overcome any Financial Stress. Gives an insight to Future General Health Issues, and more specific details to client’s Eye and Speech conditions.
3. Chapter
Details on brothers, sisters, details on Courage, and Household materials and Ears.
This chapter deals details in regard to the siblings of the client and relationship, understanding and communication between siblings, (affectionate, ill-feeling) and the reason behind it. Further information about the client’s courage and his assets in regard to his household things. There are also details involving the Client’s present Ear condition and if he has any hearing defects.
4. Chapter
Details on Mother, House, Vehicles, Land and Pleasures
Complete present and future details of information related to Increase in wealth and Material Comforts.
5. Chapter
Details involving Progeny
Wish to have Children- Reasons for delay, birth and death, or not having children.
Adoption and-Remedial procedures for having children and future lives of the children.
6. Chapter
Details on Diseases, Debts, Enemies, Court Cases, and their Remedial procedures.
Reasons for unexpected crisis and the Remedial procedures to be followed to overcome them.
7. Chapter
Details on-Time of Marriage (1st marriage), and details regarding the partner, Lagnam, Planetary position of the partner, and future life with the partner.
Reasons for the delay/Time of marriage, Marriage life/ Upcoming problems/ Remedies to overcome the problems in family life.
8. Chapter
Details on Life span, Accidents and Dangers to life,
Gives specific information for the Client’s Death (in regard to age, Time, Month Day, Star, Lagnam and Location)
9. Chapter
Details on Father, Wealth, Temple Visits, Luck, Confrontations and preaching of Holy men, Charitable deeds.
Gives details about ones Personal Spiritual Life, developement.
10. Chapter
Details on Client’s Profession, Future predictions in regard to job, good and bad in profession/ business, Change of place.
Gives details of one’s career development in respect to Job or self employment-encounter of hardships involved and changes that can occur in the future.
11. Chapter
Details regarding Profits in business and 2nd Marriage.
Gives details of Profits in Business and details of 2nd Marriage-name/nature /profession/family background of the future partner.
12. Chapter
Details in Expenditure, Foreign Visit, Next Birth and Attainment of Salvation.
Gives details of Overseas Travel for Pleasure and Business, Expenses and Losses that can be incurred and Attainment of Salvation / Moksha and Details of one of the Future Births.
13. Chapter
SANTHI PARIHARAM-Details on Previous birth, and the sins committed during the past, The Remedial measures for getting Rid of the Malefic Effects of the Past sins.
Unique chapter which gives the details of the past Karmic Sins and the negative influences in present life. The Rishis give us the oppurtunity to read this chapter and know the details to overcome or avoid all Negativity in our life by visiting the Highly Energised Temples related to our Karma.
14. Chapter
DEEKSHAI-Details on the “MANTRA” which is specified for the person to overcome his Malefic Effects, and to Overcome Enemies, Litigations, Diseases, Hazards, and other Ill-effects.
Rishis recommend Highly effective Personalised Mantras which will be engraved as yantras on copper plates-placed in prayers energised by proper methods as inscribed in the Palm leaf. This personal Talisman when worn helps to give protection from all negative influences in life.
15. Medical Chapter is not available
Health issues can be requested via a Prashna!
OUSHADA-Details on Medicine for Chronic Diseases and the method of taking them.
DASABUKTHI-Details in Regard to the Planetary Position and the Sub Planetary influences at the Specified time when it is read.
Special Chapters
Deals with the success of your political career.
You can find the solution to your actual problems by completing a questionnaire.
This chapter explains the remedies for the malefic effects of Dasa Bukhthi. Dasa is the specified major Planet ruling time and the minor planets affect during this period.
Specifies the unfavourable position of the planets and the way to Heal it by certain Pariharam/Healing Remedial Methods.
Maha Siva Vakkiyam, Sukshma, Shanthi, Sukshma Deeksha and the Gnana Chapter.